Sunday, July 3, 2011

Career Options in Animation

When one talks about a career in animation, the first ‘job’ that comes to the minds of most people is that of an animator. But that is just the tip of the iceberg!
One has to only look at the life-cycle of any animated project to realise how many different kinds of tasks or ‘jobs’ go into it. There are writers who create the concept and develop the story, there are people who specialize in writing scripts for animation, then there are the story-board artists who use pictures to tell the story and flesh out the plots and sub-plots. Then the character designers step-in to design the characters that inhabit the animated world besides artists who create inspirational sketches, backgrounds, colour themes and so on.
There are animators who actually ‘animate’ frame by frame. Depending on the technique they either draw by hand, directly on the computer, model or manipulate images. Within each technique of animation there are multiple tasks that need the expertise of different artists and technicians.
Computer animation, if 3D, requires modelers, riggers, animators, lighting/texturing artists besides programmers to tweak with the software and create custom scripts, plugins and special features.
In the case of stop-motion animation, there are the puppet/model makers, set designers, set-builders, cinematographers and so on.
There is also the critical element of audio – voiceover artists, singers, music composers are integral to the animation process.
Besides all these, there are the departments of production, admin, project planning, pipeline management, business development, marketing, distribution.
In VFX also, there are different kinds of roles to be played. Beginning at the most basic level cleaning up frames of footage to handling matte painting, rotoscoping, colour correction, motion control photography, digital compositing, wire removal, morphing, match moving etc.
Gaming can be broadly divided into 3 parts – game art, game programming and game testing.
Alternately, there is animation for the web – predominantly using Flash to create animation for website, portals, online marketing and promotion etc.
Broadcast also has a major requirement of animators and motion graphics specialists. Television channels whether news, music or film specific need in-house artists for show packaging, promos, bumpers, titles etc.
Besides all these, there is a lot of scope in animation education. With the kind of industry requirement for professionals, and institutes mushrooming in every nook and corner of cities as well as smaller towns, there is a dire need for skilled educators.
The latest in the long list of animation careers is something that is new and upcoming – animation journalism. Although not a formal branch of journalism, the animation boom in India has given birth to a new genre of writing and reviewing – whether it is through conventional print media, online channels or blogs. And we are proud to say that AAA is one of the pioneers in Indian animation journalism :)

Post taken from all about animation..

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